
Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

How to create a text with a shiny effect like liquid metal?. Follow the following tutorial how to create a chrome text effect, quite easy and simple. Let's get started !

Step 1
Create a new document by clicking File menu - New or Ctrl + N. Set width: 500px height: 500px. Double-click on the background layer named background. Add the Gradient Overlay layer style, Pattern overlay in the background.

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Step 2
Type the text "Chrome" with the font type: Arial Rounded MT Bold 130pt. And add a layer style Drop Shadow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Gradient Overlay.

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop

Step 3
Results last chrome text effect

Create Chrome Text Effect In Photoshop


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