
Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a bottle of coffee using Photoshop. Design will be studied very simple and easy. Let's get started!

Step 1
Create a new document sized 1000 * 800 pixels and activate Rounded Rectangular Tool

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 2
Choose Edit -> Transform -> Scale and click Switch between Transform and Warp Models.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 3
Add layer styles: Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Bevel and Emboss, Gradient Overlay, Satin.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 4
Shape1 layer and change the Selection Set Foreground Color black.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 5
Create a new layer and activate Brush Tool menu

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 6
Change the Blend Mode: Overlay

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 7
Activate Rectangular Tool to create a line of red and brown. Set a curve with Switch between Transform and Warp Models as in step number two.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 8
Set opacity: 76% and choose Create Clipping Mask.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 9 
Activate the Pen Tool create fields as shown below.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 10
Add a layer style: Inner Glow, Gradient Overlay.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 11
Now we will make the cap activate Rectangular Tool menu and make the right and left margins slightly curved.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 12
Shape2 duplicate layer and slide down Shape3.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 13 
Select Shape2 layer and add layer styles: Inner Shadow, Gradient Overlay, and Pattern Overlay.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 14
Select the layer Shape Copy create on curved lines.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 15
Add Layer Style: Gradient Overlay.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Step 16

The last step to create a shadow you can use the Ellipse Tool and choose Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur.

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop

Make a Bottle Coffee In Photoshop
